Puppy and Basic Manners Classes
Do you prefer a printed version of the form? Downloadable enrollment form
* CLASS Puppy (less than 6 monthsBasic Manners4-Week CGCWeek 5 CGC
* Class start date
* Full Name * Street Address Apartment/Unit * City * State * ZIP Code Mobile Phone * Email * Dog's Name * Breed * DOB/Age
* Dog's Gender MaleFemale
* Dog's Status SpayedNeuteredIntact
* Veterinarian * Phone Number
Where did you get your dog? BreederShelter
Do you have other dogs / cats in house? YesNo
* Have you taken any obedience classes before? YesNo
If so, what and when?
* Have you and your dog taken any classes together? YesNo
* Any problems or issues? YesNo
If so, please explain
* Has your dog ever bitten another dog or person? YesNo
I understand that participation in dog obedience training classes is not without risk to myself, my family or dog. I therefore waive and release CampJan, Jan Nuzzo and Smart Dog Training Center from any liability for injury or damage suffered as a result of attending this class or any private lessons. This includes any damage or injury resulting from any person or dog, or any accident occurring on these grounds.
By clicking to accept and submitting this form, I agree to accept all responsibility for actions of myself, my guests and my dog.
I accept
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